Breathe Into Your Sensuality
I think a lot about how I can change the world.
And it always comes back to changing myself;
the only thing I really, truly, actively, can change.
I’ve been a student of yoga and meditation for more than a decade and a half, studying how the intricacies of our breath and spirit, our mind and body, unite together in every moment. My earliest dance teachers always reminded me to BREATHE and relax my shoulders. I was a red-faced breath holder, gasping for air and fluidity whilst creating art with my body. Lacking the power of breath, I couldn’t feel my way into the dances and held myself back from full artistic expression without even knowing it. Then, breath is something I didn’t often think of as my greatest ally.
Yet, it is.
The way we breathe can actually change the way we feel.
Have you ever noticed how your breathing pattern changes with your emotions or in certain situations? Breathing is something the body does automatically, of course, because every system in your body relies on oxygen to function, to live.
Breathing effectively can enable more mental clarity, ensure better sleep, efficiently digest food, calm the nervous system, and boost the immune system. I learned to breathe and move together in yoga, where breath and movement are linked, and our breath shows us where we get caught up. “Pranayama” is the practice of breathing, which helps clear the physical and emotional obstacles in our body to free the flow of “prana”—life energy.
We can choose to breathe in a way that allows us to feel more connected.
Breath is naturalized movement that intakes and expels air from the body via the diaphragm and lungs. Constant. Dependable.
Our senses take in the data of the external world via sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste, which then informs the internal experience. Constant. Conditioned.
The senses are our pathway to living sensually, turned on and tuned in. It’s not about being in an orgasmic state of sexual arousal, but in an awakened place of taking daily pleasure in life’s riches.
When united, breath and the senses create a centered experience of sensuality.
This sensuality often manifests in me as calm, “tuned in” living, where I feel the vibrations of all life and the thrums of experience shifting moment to moment.
I am open. I feel the intimacy of air surrounding and intersecting my body. I feel the tiniest breezes, shivers, warm patches, and touches of air that constantly envelop us as in an ocean of atmosphere.
In appreciating air and breath, I am able to BE HERE NOW, fully sensing and feeling. And in this, I feel alive, even if I’m feeling intense anger or sadness, lethargy or pain. Sensational. Alive. Real.
This is a process of becoming, of attuning to the breath in your body at this very moment. Our breath is the constant call to come back, come back, come back. Remember the intimacy of air, of breath, of being. Return to the rhythm, quiet the judgements, quiet the flurry, and be still. Feel.
The incredible thing about sensuality and breath is that we don’t have to DO anything. We just have to BE.
We are already BE-ing.
The modern technological do-do-do world takes us away from ourselves with external distractions and judgements, and actively teaches us to ignore and distrust our senses. Thus, breath, mind, and body become disconnected. The sensual becomes something apart, relegated to a certain time of day (before bed), in a certain place (your bed), with only another (your partner). This keeps us from experiencing the sensual every moment of every day.
Living in breath and sensuality turns us on to life itself.
Each moment lived fully deepens our being-ness. Nothing to do or achieve. Nowhere to go but here. Nothing to be but this. This opens up a sensual experience within all feelings and all moments that truly feels alive.
Will you join me in experiencing?
I’ve written and recorded a ten minute meditation for you to experience…
I ask that you Support me on my Patreon (for as little as $3!) to access the Full Guided Audio Meditation, where you can get into your breath and senses.
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