Artful Movement for Humans with Bodies.
Teaching is an important way I share my treasure chest of collected knowledge with the world.
I believe that sharing information through movement arts allows us to slip into FEELING over THINKING, which rewrites patterns and sculpts new pathways for our lives. My lifelong dance practice has morphed through dozens of formats, and I relish integrating them with philosophy, flow, anatomy, and mindfulness. Kinetic expression imparts deep reflection & embodied wisdom.
I share what has been most powerful for me in personal practices, especially what is alive for me right now. Those who study with me always find inspiration and knowledge in new and unexpected ways, and I am sure you will too.
If you have a body, you’re a dancer.
Do you wish to:
Learn more about silk veil flow & technique
Activate your pussy magic through burlesque & erotic dance?
Unleash your wildness to embrace deep confidence ?
Connect body, mind, spirit, and soul?
Are you :
A professional who wants more magic, polish, & depth?
A beginner diving into silk veil, or fire/flow props?
Desiring a deeper connection to self, highlighting feeling and being to balance current cultural influences?
Ready to accept and LOVE your authentic YOU?
Let’s dance. Get your booty to class!
I teach what lights me up, facilitating human body empowerment through movement. Over 3 decades, I gather & cultivate exercises to amplify my authentic style. I weave technical foundations, non-denominational spiritual seeking, & kinetic philosophy together. I teach what I know; what has and does work for me. I work avidly to explain, share, and encourage you to deepen with me.
Patreon allows us to transcend time & geography.
Study with me anywhere at anytime.
Your Body is the Revolution
3-4 NEW online experiences each month + HUNDREDS of archived classes. Train at your own level and pace. Classes range from 5 min musings to 90 min masterclasses.
My classes weave many forms of movement & dance together: flexibility, burlesque, bellydance, jazz, mobility, intuitive movement, with modalities of cultivating intention: journaling, meditation, breath, awareness, reflection, conversation, and mental expansion.
Online Classes Include:
Silk Veil Masterclasses & Tutorials: Learn my signature weighted veil style as I personally guide you in flow techniques developed over a decade+ of training, flow explorations, performances, and play. Sharpen your skills for guiding the weighted veil prop as you awaken new ways of being in your flowing body. I encourage you to look inwards to encounter spiritual & healing aspects just as much as I encourage outwards authentically expressive performance.
Pussy Magic Burlesque: Awaken your sensuality, explore your authentic style, and remember your erotic essence through movement guided by your intentions. Through burlesque-inspired movement, we tap into the erotic essence of hips, spine, senses, and entire body. ALL bodies are welcomed & included. I dive into big concepts in class series: Tease Technique, Hips & Heels, Burlesque as Healing, Empowered Confidence, Divine Bump & Grind, Prayerformance, Intentional Performance, Improvisation, Creating Choreography, Feather Fans, Panel Skirts, Veil Tease, and so much more.
Kinetic Embodiment, Bellydance Nouveau, & Dance Activations: Activate your magic through movement! A theme will frame the focus of our movements as we set intentions to awaken senses, move and strengthen muscles, open joint mobility, and clear blocked energies. Concepts and techniques from bellydance, modern, contemporary, temple dance, and flow arts into an accessible flow open to all bodies. Often we’ll use props such as veils, hoops, staves, fans, skirts, and common objects to open our creativity.
Flexibility Flows, Strength, and Body Care: Stretch your limits, find your edges, and dance towards your understanding of the body's energetics in a playful way. Unite joint mobility, muscle stretching, breath, and focus into a tangible practice to repeat and integrate in your own personal practices.
Dance Church: Combining ecstatic dance & guided themes for authentic movement you are encouraged to dance however you want to to the rockin’ playlist! We reflect on a theme, either writing or reflecting to a partner to integrate what was uncovered in our movement session. This is a living, moving prayer that you sculpt to be all your own.
I share how I LIVE MY LIFE AS ART to inspire.
On Patreon I am able to showcase art that can’t be put on social media. I share snaps of my intimate journal pages, poetry, creation studios, and sexy selfies. You'll witness costume & concept & choreography creation, behind the scenes shots and videos of performances & travels around the world ranging from silly to philosophical, sensual to comedic.
Choose from multiple membership tiers from $3-111 monthly. 11% discount if you join for the year!
Private Sessions
Do you desire more intimate and focused time?
One-on-one training can open floodgates of inspiration & learning. I’ll create a plan for how we unlock magic for you.
Or, we can organize a group class.
My specialties:
Act Development and/or Choreography
Pussy Magic Burlesque
Bachelorette/Birthday/Celebration Classes
Silk Weighted Veil, Flags, & Silk Veil
Fans (feather, fire, and silk)
Flow props (hoop, poi, ropedart, fire eating, double staff, double hoop)
Stretch, Strength, & Flexibility
Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Lyrical
Level: I am a pro at teaching to all levels, abilities, & ages.
Location: Online OR see my travel schedule
Investment: $111/60-75 minutes
Do you desire more intimate and focused time?
One-on-one training can open floodgates of inspiration & learning. I’ll create a plan for how we unlock magic for you.
Or, we can organize a group class.
My specialties:
Act Development and/or Choreography
Pussy Magic Burlesque
Bachelorette/Birthday/Celebration Classes
Silk Weighted Veil, Flags, & Silk Veil
Fans (feather, fire, and silk)
Flow props (hoop, poi, ropedart, fire eating, double staff, double hoop)
Stretch, Strength, & Flexibility
Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Lyrical
Level: I am a pro at teaching to all levels, abilities, & ages.
Location: Online OR see my travel schedule
Investment: $111/60-75 minutes
Download Digital Classes & Workshops
As an alternative to streaming classes on Patreon, you can purchase them directly to download & keep them forever!
These are essentially the same classes you have access to at the $44/month tier for Patreon.
We are a network. Our community economy circulates abundance.
Our abundance often funnels into large corporations, overseas businesses, and the hands that do things we do not respect or believe in. We have a choice where to put our earth dollars.
When we invest our capital within circles that uphold our values, we seed the changes we wish to see in the world. We create this shift with each dollar, each hour, each energetic contribution.
Personally, I see myself as one of those humans who enacts change & utilizes resources to support my local community and enrich the world with inspiring art. By donating to local organizations that support health & art access for marginalized people, fostering expression for immigrant, youth, trans populations, and more, I hope to ripple the change out through applying my financial and energetic abundance to the rest of the world.
Thank you. I am grateful.