Embodied Creativity Retreats & Classes
6 retreats across the USA with Gaea & world-known collaborators empower you to sculpt your life into a living work of art from the heart’s femme mystery.
Focuses range from silk veils to fire, natural dye to performance art, burlesque to pole, alchemy to community.
Study with me to go deep into the inner workings of YOUR expression, sensuality, inner wisdom, wildness, & authenticity.

2025 Retreats
Join me to create your adventure, listen to your intuition and HEART, and express yourself through embodied artforms like the flowarts, silk veils, fire, burlesque, costuming, and more.
Each of these experiences is an opportunity to grow into WHO YOU are and nourish what you’re building in your life. It’s time to stop playing small, and time to embrace your potential by balancing out your divine femme pussy magic essence with the rest of the world.
This is a revolution. Are you in?
Gaea is the Pussy Magic Priestess
Embody life-force. Inspire Oneness. Embrace sensuality.
Life is Art, so let us live artfully.
Gaea is open for bookings for all size & type events around the globe. Please inquire for rates & availability.
Watch Gaea’s short self-created film “The Golden Hour: Alchemical Coagulation”

Learn Online at your Own Pace
For hundreds of online classes in burlesque, stretch, strength, flow, silk veils, meditations, and bellydance + performance videos, behind the scenes, exclusive photoshoots, musings, poetry, and more… Join my Patreon!
Enrich your life.
While Gaea engages in a huge leap of faith & life change to live on a sailboat & move cross-country, the pussy magic program is in future process. Be in the know through Patreon, Instagram, & my email list!
Reclaim your power.
Understand your magic.
Create performance art
Whether your end goal is the stage or the boardroom, a relationship or a performance, studying with Gaea will inspire you to the abundance, confidence, understanding, self-love, and authenticity that will reverberate through all aspects of your life. Welcome to it.
Months of classes and online content
supportive like-minded community
act creation & performance opportunity
online and in-person options
Have a taste of Pussy Magic!
Enter your email in the pop up window to receive a FREE GIFT of the Pussy Magic Masterclasses + more.
Learn more about Gaea, experience your own pussy magic, and dive into your own power.
Join Patreon for $11-44 monthly to access the online Pussy Magic Classes

Womxn, are you:
Desiring to be seen as YOU, in mirrors, on videos, or calls?
Seeking new, authentic creative flow?
Ready to make burlesque inspired performance art?
Feeling disconnected from the sensual or sexual?
Having a hard time defining and holding your boundaries?
Struggling with shame or body-image?
Tentative to step into your erotic power? ... or saying the word PUSSY in public?
Wanting to weild your magic at new depths and levels?
Feeling the readiness to heal yourself through
Who is Gaea?
Gaea Lady is an internationally renowned burlesque dancer & teacher. Gaea lives life deeply trusting in Pussy Magic & creating art from this connected place. She lives life as art - where gems are seen to be distilled from our traumas. She knows that living life; honest, vulnerable, messy, and magical, she is blessed to inspire others to awaken them to their power simply by being her.
She is an alumni of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, BalletMet, and the Rock School of Ballet. As a Temple Body Artist, she co-creates & weaves with Sofiah Thom.
She performs internationally at shows & festivals such as the Burlesque Hall of Fame, BurningMan, Envision, and more.
Gaea mentors, coaches, and guides hundreds of humans to awaken their artistic potential.
Through the Pussy Magic Program, you will receive:
Growth in a safe-space & connection to supportive community.
The ability to experience your body as sexy & worthy of love
The power to connect authentically to your sensuality in all states of mind
The understanding of how to live life as art with Play & Empowerment
Understanding of your own unique Pussy Magic & Burlesque History
A primer on how to create burlesque performance art authentically
How to love your body exactly as it is, right now
40+ hours of on-demand video burlesque instruction
36+ hours of group classes in person on or zoom
A physical Pussy Magic Guidebook filled with worksheets, reflections, and information
The Opportunity to perform in our Pussy Magic Showcase, in March 2024.
Casual and fun hang-out sessions with a like-minded community
Two 45-min private lessons
Gifts from Gaea
It is a thing that resides between the thighs of all womxn, all who identify on the feminine spectrum. The mystery, the power of creation, the pleasure, the unlimited potential.
Maybe it’s awake, alive, and roaring, ready to step onto a stage and disrobe - or perhaps it’s cloaked in a sparkly shell waiting for a safe time to come out.
We were all BORN with Pussy Magic, Power, and Wisdom - Love, Expression, & Connection. It's all innate.
This class is non-exclusive. All who identify on any spectrum of womxn are welcomed.
Burlesque as Transformation
The human world out there seeks to divorce us from our pussy magic; there are so many institutions and voices that dim our shine, hold us small, oppress our expression, and shame our bodies.
Burlesque is a place where we can take this power back; an artform for proudly showing the world who we are, how POWERFUL we are, and for sharing what we stand for.
Explore and reclaim your sensual self and sexuality in the safe and supportive container of burlesque.
Create Performance Art
It’s time to understand your power. It’s time to create and connect from your pussy magic. Be comfortable in your own skin, be proud of who you are, develop trust & gratitude for yourself exactly as you are, and say YES to unfolding your mystery - on and offstage.
Through the lens of Burlesque, I will guide you to dance into revealing the layers of YOU. I will share decades of knowledge to help you create a piece of burlesque performance art from a place of your unique magic & power.

Explore the intersection of fire dancing, ritual, play, striptease, & erotic dance. A creative merging of Gaea’s Pussy Magic burlesque with the Ignite Fire Keeper’s flow-losophies of Kiki Mason & Gaea.
Investigate the dynamic energies of wonder & play, eros & logos, fire & water, sensuality & confidence. Ignite Your Pussy Magic is a 7 day deep dive into honoring both transformation & rest, investigation & integration. During our time together we will explore our inner landscapes & the beautiful nature on location somewhere with a beach.
This is a safe space for you to be fully yourself to explore new aspects of who you are, co-created by all of us. This is a container for YOU to ignite your creativity, confidence, sensuality, self-love & self-appreciation, burlesque techniques, and fire dancing.
Coming back in 2025 :)
Rediscover Yourself
It’s about taking up SPACE.
It’s about standing in your POWER.
It’s about the radical action of SELF LOVE.
It’s Discovery, Understanding, Connection, Artistry.
It’s about YOU. Not them, or what they say, or what they think.
Step confidently onto your stage.
This is a safe space for you to be you within a supportive group of womxn who celebrate our strengths in our differences, and who are not threatened by what we share. We create together, we ideate, we understand the uniqueness of our real feminine expansive force.
Pussy magic recognizes the erotic as our source of power. It is mysterious, innate, and inseparable. The patriarchy keeps us down and away from this connection to our magic with careful inculturation.
No longer.
What will we do?
Pussy Magic Activation
October - January, we LEARN the art of burlesque from the inside out. Pussy Magic is forever deepening into your YOU-ness. No matter how much you explore, there is (luckily!) always more to discover.
Accept & LOVE your body exactly the way it is.
Understand the radical TRANSFORMATION of self-love, embrace EMPOWERED CONFIDENCE and EXPRESS who you truly are through movement.
The Details
We meet Monday nights, 6:30-8:30pm cst for the first 3 weeks each month, via zoom or in person for Chicago residents. Gaea will host remote sessions while she tours, and the studio will still be open.
Weekly topics based on the Pussy Magic Pillars hone our attention towards our transformation. Each class has a discussion, movement, and reflection element.
Pussy Magic
Empowered Confidence
Life as Art
The Erotic as Healing
Burlesque Herstory
The Art of the Tease
Channel Creativity
Authentic Expression
Here, we celebrate & support each other in a safe container. We revel in our uniqueness & connect to move through life’s hard moments together.
The Pussy Magic Guidebook
Reflect & Go Deep with a physical BOOK sent to your door!
Read about each Pussy Magic Pillar for better understanding of each topic in Gaea’s extensive musings.
Interact with weekly musings, activities, & writing prompts based on each class.
Create your own Map to performance art creation, as personal process, with an extensive “Create Intentional Performance” section.
Read excerpts from “The Oracle Atlas” (in process by Gaea & Meg Feigal.)
Embody each pillar with included meditations, agreements, & activations.
Group Connection
Connect and interact daily with other participants active our What’s App Group. Share messages, videos, photos. Ask for and offer advice.
Participate in monthly art challenges based on gratitude, striptease, improv, choreography, herstory, and more.!
Have others preview your acts and give feedback, and return the favors.
Sexy Boot Camp
Revamp your sensuality, erotic movement, expression, and confidence with Gaea’s Movement Classes. These Sensual, Empowered, Embodied practices will teach striptease & sensual burlesque inspired movement while encouraging you to explore YOUR authentic style.
DANCE with intention to unite body, mind, and spirit. Sculpt new PATHWAYS & patterns.
Focus on authentic movement to CULTIVATE your own unique style, while learning about the Burlesque Legends who paved the way.
40+ hours of Online Courses
Access to Gaea’s best burlesque, tease, veil, and dance video multi-class courses:
“Pussy Magic Burlesque”
“Tease Techniques” including all about pasties, gstrings, improv, etc…
“Sensual Silk Veil” Masterclasses
“Burlesque & Sensuality”
“Divine Bump & Grind”
“Burlesque Hips & Heels”
“Embody, Empower, Burlesque”
“Burlesque as Healing”
+ monthly warm-ups, bellydance, flexibility, flow arts, meditations, and more.
Do these at your own pace, as much or as little as you have time for. They’re pre-recorded, and range from 15-90 minutes each!
Guest Instructors
tbd for 2023! The Program has hosted Bella Blue, Ray Gunn, BeBe Bardeaux, and more!
Once each month, we “hangout” via zoom and in person for unstructured candid conversations to get to know each other & have fun together.
Twice over the program you will have a 45min 1:1 private session with Gaea on any subject of your choosing. (2 included privates for the whole course, one during each half).
Share Your Magic
January- March, we weave pussy magic with artistic ideas to create a piece of performance art that is all your own, from the heart & the pussy. During this segment we merge the Technical, Artistic, Conceptual, & Practical.
For July, we dive into Practical Burlesque Knowhow and envision your future!
“Creating Intentional Performance” Full Intensive
Every aspect of Act Creation from Idea to Stage
Ground into the Technical elements: Music, Staging, Lighting, Video, etc…
Dream into your own Unique Vision
Choreography & Improvisation
Explore Costuming & Adornment.
Find Meaning in Creating Art.
Give & Receive during Supportive Group Feedback Sessions.
Tech your act onstage
The Pussy Magic Showcase
Feature in our final show - a hybrid of video/online & in-person. This will be the cherry on top of the whole program! Proudly share your unique magic onstage to an adoring audience!
Performance dates will be a weekend 5 months into the program (TBD) , held at Chicago’s Newport Theater on the Northside.
then…we CELEBRATE with a CAST PARTY!
*note: no one is required to perform burlesque, but this is the chance of a lifetime!*
April: Professional Development : Practical Burlesque Knowhow
Understand what you need to get booked.
Create your burlesque persona.
Consider Pricing & Value of your art.
Discover how to construct social pages, bios, and sites.
Weekly Hot Seat coaching with Gaea.
Crash course on producing.
and more, guided by what you need.
What Pussy Magic Alumni Have to Say
“My relationship to sensuality has DRASTICALLY changed since the Pussy Magic Burlesque Program. Everything that I was once afraid of, such as all forms of self love, talking about my traumas openly, and learning to allow myself to bond with new people. I can approach it with courage, confidence, and I now know I can reach out to others for help along the way. I found such a wondrous healing community and now my life is forever changed. I would recommend PMP because we deserve to live a life tailored to us as women. We deserve to heal and to live a life from our pussy power.” - Regal Resonance, Chicago
“The PMP is one of the most riveting journeys I've ever embarked on in my known existence. I was seeking a program that would allow me to thrive in an artful container of accountability, FUN, learning, and sensuality. I wanted to invest into myself, as I knew that would deepen this commitment I was trying to make into my own life. It did. Everything I wanted to get out of this program I did, and THEN SOME! I know and trust Gaea Lady so much, and everything she poured into and offered in this program was beyond. Her team is so supportive, too, and created fabulous resources and worksheets to deepen the concepts each week ;) If someone is looking to amplify their creativity, sensual movement art, or confidence in showing up in their own life as a talented, compelling change agent in this world, I would say the PMP is the place to be. It only takes an ounce of willingness to get started, and then boom! magic.” - Mega Love, Durham
“It wasn’t til I put that act/piece on stage that I really felt empowered. I didn’t know how being on stage (after not performing for over a year) was going to feel. And it felt better than ever. The biggest take away for me being at the show was finally being with these wonderful people I’d spent 6 mos with online. Feeling connection and community. Something I truly needed. And still need. My pussy magic is taking me on a different path that I didn’t think I’d ever take and that’s producing shows/offering opportunities for others to begin their journey. Taking a lead role in building something special in my scene.” - Kim Bustible, Nashville
“Transformation- My self growth and acceptance of my current body size, body challenges for my age. I want so much to feel physically like I did when I was much younger. Accepting the current me now and today. Impact: I left alot of my armour on the stage and know I have humans that accept me for who I am, how I look, with no judgement. I have never been complimented by so many humans in my life, hugged, accepted and loved. To be in a container/ community that is so real, full and accepting was something I have looked for all my life. Being accepted, feeling safe and finding like minded humans to grow with and make change in this world one human at a time was so powerful for me.
Pleasure: I learned to touch myself alot more and take time for me finding that little spot on the back of leg that I did not know existed that felt good to touch. I have made so many steps to being free in my body, naked in front of other women with no judgement of me. I have never felt so free and uncomfortable at the same time. The yin and yang of growing.
Oh and I would say that "Gaea is one of the most beautiful loving humans on this planet who has and will change lives forever" - She’Lah Divine, Los Angeles
“I am feeling more confident in my body. I feel like I am beginning to be able to express myself externally on a physical kinesthetic level that matches my inner sense of self. I am less ashamed and self-conscious of the way I move. I am more authentic. I worry less about how others may see me or judge me. This gives me an overall experience of confidence and purpose and my ability to create and interact with others.” - Anonymous
”One of the most profound changes for me has come through having a community now with sensuality centered as a celebrated cornerstone. There is language and shared forum space to discuss, listen, offer, and simply BE sensual. I've always had a profoundly strong relationship with my own sensuality, though at times in my life I've chosen to quiet it or not keep it well nourished. This was primarily due to feeling misunderstood as I navigated the world with a sensuous orientation -- others mistook it for things it was not, and for my own safety I retreated away from my sensuality. I feel the container of the PMP gave me six months of consistency and safety to really step back into my sensuality and do so alongside others where we could not only witness others claiming their sensual nature with confidence, but also honor and share our own unique sensuality and approach to the world. I feel renewed and more attuned to how life turns me on.” - Meg
Watch the replay of the 2022 showcases! Your $12 donation will fund a scholarship for 2023.
Pussy Magic Showcase Lineups
Saturday Showcase Featured Performers: Kara Mell Sunday w/nutz, Guiding Beacon, Candi Cosmic, Kalí Yenté, Elizabeth Devour, Sweet Lotus, Emerald Ivy, Baby Ru, Lucid Dreams, Lady Ravenswolfe, Miss Oh!, + Gaea Lady.
Sunday Showcase Featured Performers: Regal Resonance, Elle Dee - the Lady Divine, Melonee Moonbeam, Mega Love, Amndtrn5thsnd, Big Fine, Carmielian, SheLah’Divine, C00kie Cha0s, Violette Mayhem, + Gaea Lady.
tips can be directly sent to Gaea to split up between performers. venmo @gaea_lady // zelle gaealady@gmail.com // paypal gaealady@gmail.com