Why Pussy Magic & Pleasure is the Key to Happiness

Your power is within you

In your body


A golden temple

Containing a Portal to the 

Source, the divine, the creative powers of all. 

It’s your pussy magic

It’s your real, raw, and wild magic. 

It’s your ability to live life and love everything you are. 

nourish yourself

create life, or create ANYTHING at all

no matter how you identify, this is yours.


it’s yours to define, to redefine, and to authenticate.

to feel and to move and to BE.

photo by Simon Rubenstein

for BEING is the answer - the true true answer

to real life living

of pulsating life here in this moment, on this planet, in this universe.

follow the path of pleasure

sculpt your map back towards yourself

and into what turns you on

this is the way to find yourself.

not by listening to what others think of you

or what others want of you

but what YOU want, what YOU desire

in the highest good

of service to the universe through self-love.

When being here, now, is the goal, everything is alive.

everything is possible.

and you are the bridge.

Pussy Magic is the inclusive aspect of the femme that brings all into unity.

The multi-faceted gem of being that juggles all things


produces YOU.

Here, you find yourself, and this is the road to happiness.

True true joy that permeates all things, no matter the sorrow

and strings the universe alight to the wonders of being YOU in this moment.

Knowing your pussy magic is your key to wonderment of being

so turn it on

and tune in.

You have the key, and simply need to remember the path to find it.

photo by Melissa Robin from the Temple Body Arts Program

big love,


PS : want more? Join the Pussy Magic Program!

Experience a taste of the pussy magic program with the master class replay HERE

gaea lady

Gaea is a creatrix, a pussy magic priestess, a seeker of alchemical change. Through living artfully, she expands how we all authentically show up in our confidence and empowered presence.


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