Peace Within; Marriage of the Sun & Moon; Spirit Seedbed.
Empowerment, Earth, Balance, Conjunction
Week 5 of the Flow into Fire Alchemy Challenge
A birth of a young, authentic self.
Conjunction is a grounded arrival place where we begin to detach from the chaos of the past 3 stages of alchemy. Arrival begins when judgment is dispelled of the deep self, and a self-acceptance and love emerges.
Empowerment from personal accountability is taken to overthrow the false ego that constantly threatens to pull us back into hate, jealousy, envy, gossip, lack, self-importance, and other reactions that hold us back. We rise up the chakric ladder in our spines, pulled by spirit, gaining clarity.
Here, the element of earth asks ‘balance’. Within all things are conceptual binaries - which never actually show up polarized in physical form - we are invited to marry sun (masculine) and moon (feminine) to form newness that is neither parent - a genderless enby child; a ‘lesser stone’ as it’s called in alchemy.
Of utmost importance is non-judgment.
photos by Chris Nightengale
When we step back and begin again to observe ego/self with its thoughts, emotions, and actions as a greater whole rather than becoming inundated with the parts themselves, we see universal patterns unfold. Spiritual experiences seek us out as we do them, we become an antenna.
As above, so below.
Conjunction is the last of the “below” earthly elemental phases. From here on out life gets more spiritual and meta, less tangible flesh form centric. The metal for this stage is copper, a heart-felt metal that easily conducts electricity and temperature. It is beautiful, but it is not gold.
Beauty is within all things, recognized deeply. Love is the answer to transform all things, touching deeper. A soft opening to the divine of the universe. We are transformed with this mindset alone.
Rest in the balance after struggle, release, and flow. It is nourishing to revel, integrating all repatternings to ingrain them deeply to new self before we move forward in the personal development journey of spiritual alchemy & flow.
Conjunction can feel like:
Delicious pleasure
Peaceful balance
Clarity, achievement
New mindset of beauty and love
Discovering authentic self
Radical self acceptance + love
Having longer spiritual experiences
Seeing the bigger picture
Empowering past thoughts, emotions, & ingrained actions.
Seeing beauty in all things
Knowing love transforms all
Conjunction - A comfortable, empowered state, Conjunction brings the beginnings of clarity and enlightenment. A true communion with the element of earth, Conjunction swells with feelings of harmony and hints of wholeness. ‘For many, the Conjunction experience is felt as an increase in intuitive insight - what Egyptian alchemists called the birth of the Intelligence of the Heart. This newly found faculty produces a sense of reality superior to either thought or feeling. As if to herald the viability of this new state of being, synchronicities begin to occur that confirm the alchemist is on the right track.’ - The Emerald Tablet, Chapter 10, Step Four: Conjunction
Muse, dance, and flow:
Invite your authentic empowerment into your movement and find still points.
When do you find balance?
How does your higher self dance integration?
Flow like grounded earth.
Want more? Listen in: Know Thyself Podcast : Stage 4 of Alchemy “Conjunction”
My personal musings on Conjunction:
Last year in high summer I went through a miscarriage.
photos by Marc Pagani, New Orleans
I underwent fast spiral waves of calcinating fire, dissolving tear tides, and separating gasp winds - arriving back at stillness and acceptance over and over. Conjunction is a phase of Alchemy I haven’t yet dove into deeply - yet in studying it now I see it’s the final phase of the 4 cycles of flow : rest & integration, stillness & balance. It’s the cusp of the beginning, just as it is the end of a cycle.
I suspected before I knew I was pregnant, noticing changes in my body and energy. It hurt, I was depressed, I felt empty.
It was the onset of a cascade of transformation in my life.
Ironically, my partner found an appointment opening for July 4, despite the world being in turmoil as women’s rights to our bodies were freshly under attack across the states.
Over those weeks, I entered deep meditation with the spirit babe within me. Messages and whispers emerged… “Take care of what you create”. I saw flashes of relationships in my life & communities I’ve co-grown but no longer served healthfully. I saw flashes of my future self, still and peaceful in new settings, with new people.
I didn’t understand, nor did I want to accept this vision of change.
My first encounter with psychedelics brought me to the revelation that “Love is everything”. Forever I am deepening into this. When we return to love, the essence of opening softly to energetic exchange without expectation to the universe, everything and anything is possible. It is all accepted easefully without judging within any binaries such as good/bad.
This babe and I both felt, knew, it wasn’t meant to stay.
I remember the cosmic cycles of transformation, life, & death as I celebrate the experiences. I grieve the losses. Waves of love & beauty intertwine; inseparable pieces of the whole. Nothing judged or wished to be different.
In this past year my life has burnt down in a myriad of ways. And it still is.
I have transformed some very deep things I didn’t want to look at.
I am changing my life by centering joyful pleasure in new ways.
photo by Ole, @sasha_alexander, St Croix, USVI
This transformation is eternal. It is rooted in love, guided by grace, and constantly unfolding. I intuit it through my art, later understanding what transpired as I play archaeologist in my own life.
I ride the tides, a humble vessel, and I rise up alive & laughing when I am trounced by the waves.
Conjunction today feels like the celebration of all things, a perfect high summer revelation. A year later, I see myself deeper in the beauty of flow & embracing my pussy magic’s urgently soft callings with more still-full listening than ever.
Serpentine Seduction- watch the video to the right to see me peeling back the skins of my serpent self, seeing beauty and self-intimacy in my own personal transformation.
My reminders to self and universe:
Celebrate the larger spirals and witness the perfect imperfections of life with graceful love. Dear Gaea, come back to center, reveling in all you’ve accomplished. There is no endpoint, and so many more blissful deaths to encounter. You are the medicine.
This stage is a turning point from the below to the above - one I’m constantly realizing through my dance & flow. It’s not easy to get here, it’s a choice most humans don’t wish to spend the energy on.
And that’s okay.
I continue to love with abandon, for it’s all there is, after all.
With eternal love,