Breathe Off the Heaviness, In-Spirit-Action.
Separation, Let Go, Air, Spaciousness.
Week 4 of the Flow into Fire Alchemy Challenge.
The winds of separation blow away the heaviness of the hard hellishness of the struggle of calcination fires & intense emotional release in dissolving waters.
Separation asks us to take up our swords as the holy warrior of the spirit and sweep away what we no longer need. We are invited to separate out what we will carry future-wards into our next selves, sorting through the rubble of our lives and to lighten the load.
The outdated patterns & stories that no longer serve us for the journey ahead will hold us back from our most authentic golden selves, and are diligently rewritten in this present.
Deep in the Flow, invite airy spaciousness with breath, dance, and ease, and persevere during this often arduous and long process. For the more you sloughed off in calcination & dissolution, the more there is to sort through here.
This flow state stage is all about doing. Inspiration (in-spirit-action) drives us to truly repattern our ACTIONS coupled with the past stages of alchemy consumed with observing/witnessing our thoughts & emotions. If we don’t rewire our actions, we become stagnant and repeat the first two cycles again and again.
Here, cultivate the newest authentic self with a solar plexus resolve of the warrior, diligent and devoted to the inspired vision of future self.
When we release to intuition and trust inner wisdom, the wind of spirit pulls us up the Jacob’s Ladder, our internal chakra/energy system. And much like a sailboat zigzag tacking up into the wind, it is not a linear or direct path. (whee!) The spiral infinitely flows, trusting the skins shed are exactly enough.
This takes a masculine strength and direction, a warrior’s perseverance and courage coupled with the soft femme surrender to the process. Working in tune with the elements helps to take steps towards manifesting new dream selves.
It takes as long as it takes.
Separation - After the fire and the flood, we consciously invite the air to help breeze through, separate, and determine what, precisely, we’re looking at to transform. Peering into the depths of ourselves, we begin to rediscover and reclaim our dreams, joys, and visionary “gold”. ‘Separation is letting go of the self-inflicted restraints to our true nature and saving the hidden essence, which becomes the subject of the following operations. That essence is made up of the best parts of our spirit and soul, our mind and heart.’ - The Emerald Tablet, Chapter 10, Step Three: Separation.
Separation can feel or look like:
Seeing through illusions to the truest reality.
Noticing your unconscious drives, thought & emotional patterns.
The false-ego in your head roaring to bring you back to old patterns, even though you try to resist and don’t want to.
The space of letting go into the flow, freely.
Giving away physical items to lighten your load.
Releasing attachment
Letting go of the past
Breathing deeply to cleanse
Invoking inspired action to be who you desire to be
Seeing/rewriting your thoughts & emotional patterns clearly, and rewiring your worldly actions to match.
Not judging yourself when you slip back into old patterns, but breathing with spaciousness & grace to try again.
Stepping into your fierce warrior of resolve and self-trust.
Ask yourself & flow:
When you intentionally let go of the heaviness to find the flow , what does the space you create feel like?
How does your false-ego still kick and scream to drag you backwards when you try to let go and repattern?
How light can you get? Flow like spacious air.
Want more on Alchemy? Listen to this “Know Thyself” podcast about Separation
My musings:
Letting go of THINGS IS EFFING HARD. I am a shield maiden with my sword of discernment, purifying my actions and air for greater inspiration to manifest the life I desire.
I have so many things to sort through, it’s draining and almost debilitating at times…. I decided in March that it was time to move out of Chicago.
I’ve lived here for 18 years. Moving here to attend university in the city, I fell in love with the urban art jungle of dense opportunity for my art and dance careers. Mostly it was my heart that led me here, whispering to me that this was my next magic. I tried to move many times and always circled back because of the communities here.
photos by Britten Leigh
I’ve lived in the Eco Collective for 14 of those years and so much has transpired for my life: a marriage, co-creating the Edible Alchemy food co-operative, a catering business, building a rooftop garden, multiple fire & hoop troupes, a pandemic, another deep soul relationship, running a dance studio, 2 pussy magic programs, dozens of iterations of roommate constellations, and so much more.
I sort through the rubble.
I’m letting go of as much as I can, which is emotionally and physically exhausting.
And I have SO MUCH STUFF: of physicality, but also memory, emotion, attachment.
It has weighed me down.
Kept me in patterns of nostalgia and old wirings of fear, control, hoarding.
My fellow econauts have left so many things here… which I’ve kept because they remind me of them, or may be useful, or were once loved.
The action of separation allows me to repattern and rewire my emotional responses to things. Spirit lifts me up as I heal the scars of memories by dipping into tears of dissolution, so nothing accumulates onwards as I move.
I want to live on a sailboat.
Before sailing, I will tour and travel out of my car.
Tiny spaces.
What drives me is the inspiration for the new selves I see in dream visions. The ‘me’ I feel arriving each moment in my pvssy magic.
images by Ole @sasha_alexander
So, I share with you my 5 whys for transitioning to this nomadic lifestyle on the water:
Freedom - Dancing into adventures, experiencing new things, and letting heart and soul seek their callings. Carving a unique path.
Art - Basking in the elemental wonder of this planet, and creating expressions unique to the present moment to inspire, connect, and communicate.
Simplicity - Embracing a quieter, slower lifestyle with fewer things and distractions to deeper inhabit the present moment.
Radical Self-Reliance - Trusting all we are to take on anything the world flows to us with ease and grace. Mentality of self-sustainability and thriving, always learning with joy. Returning to the roots of intuition, pillars of education, branches of experimentation.
Oneness - nourishing relationships with self, others, boat, nature, elements, the universe itself to Feel the deep unification of this existence.
I see my growing point is PATIENCE, coupled with discernment, to let this process unfold.

photos by Alize Jireh Yaccino
Patience as spaciousness of air, the warrior meditating and knowing when to wield the sword.
Patiences as I repattern with kind self-love.
Patience as I sit in the fear/excitement of the unknown. (they are the same coin).
Patience as I surrender my carefully curated lifestyle to the feminine unknown.
Patience as I wait; letting go of perceived plotlines or patterns or plans to see what newness the universe has in store for me - and letting it unfold.
Patience as I create spaciousness and simplicity in my life; sitting uncomfortably in the comfort of the void as I learn to commune with the present moment.
Patience as I learn to trust deeper - in myself, in the universe, and in my gut knowing that you are in my future in a big way.
Patience as I nourish my relationship with myself in all moments, as that is (and always has been) the recipe for strong and healthy relationships with everything external.
Patience as I breathe deeply into extending awareness of the present moment without micromanaging the ways it will flow out before me.
As I learn to ride the seas, as gaea - the earth herself having asked me to take her name - I remember that the earth is more water than land, and surrounded by air atmosphere. This time in my life is one of great transitions.
My prayer for these days:
May we all purify our lives with the air of spirit, pulling us windwards towards our golden selves as we flow and lighten our loads courageously.
PS : Join us for the Summer Challenge! Info on the blog. You are invited!
More posts on socials, follow me @gaea_lady and @ignitefirekeepers.