Release & Rewild : A Fire Ritual

The full moon is Oct 20, 2021 at 3:56pm CST. I'll be hosting a fire dancing class in Chicago 10/20, but if you can't make it, below is a fire ritual for you to try out.

As I muse on how fire dancing transforms, I see it as a way to transmute the crap that might be held onto. In having a weekly practice spinning fire, I am able to bring what no longer serves me to the fire and allow it to burn away, dissipate, and exit my field. This is huge for self-growth & transformation.

I let go of fear, shame, grudges, crunchiness in relationships, unwillingness, stagnancy, anger, frustration, and more (very normal) human emotions. I recognize that feeling them is so important, and letting them pass by naturally is equally important. Fire is one of the ways that I expedite this process.

In the space that is created from letting go, I am able to bring in and manifest what I desire - new habits, breath, concentration, openness, stillness, calm, clarity, creativity, love, empathy, happiness, joy, productivity… whatever it is that I desire to circle to next. I bring this to the fire, and offer it up to be amplified.

I do this when I spin fire onstage, when I practice, but also when I light candles, a bonfire, or sometimes my stove to boil water. I invite you to ask the others you're with "what do you wish to burn away, in your life?" to start a conversation about it, as speaking our intentions aloud is SO powerful.

Read on: I share with you how to do this step-by-step. Try the flow below & allow for it to shift and take on your unique essence.

Join me to do this in person at a fire spinning class or retreat, as it’s present in each and every one of them. Blessings to you.


  1. Prepare a ritual, intentional space. Clean the area and clear away clutter. Smoke cleanse with herbs or incense. Ring bells, sing, or play instruments, or put on a great track to clear the energy. Set out a small altar of items that are meaningful to you (a cloth, stones, candles, plants, cards, images, photographs, anything at all.)

  2. Reflect on what you desire to let go of. Take 15-60 minutes to sit quietly, reflect, journal, or speak/sing/dance to ponder what you truly wish to let go of. Envision the web of this attached to you, and envision how you can dissolve those attachments.

  3. You may write what you desire to let go of on a small piece of paper.

  4. Invite fire into the space. Set out & light a candle, or prepare a fire outside or a bonfire. If you spin fire, prepare for a burn with a tool of your choice & have a safety nearby. (do not do this unless you are trained).

  5. With your intention at the forefront of your mind, concentrate of letting go of whatever it is you’re feeling. Concentrate until you don’t realize you’re concentrating on it, and simply be present with it. Burn it in the fire when it feels right - by speaking it aloud, thinking it over and over as a mantra, or burning the paper with words written on it.

  6. Let your wildness out, and go with any feelings that arise. Dance, sing, make noise, spin, get wild and let the energy move from you.

  7. When you feel complete, find stillness, and feel the space you have created. Don’t fill the space quite yet, just allow for it to be part of you.

  8. It is very powerful to do this in groups, as being witnessed makes it more real, and holds you accountable to really letting go of it.

photo by Leona Waller from Ignite Your Inner Flame Retreat, 2020.

photo by Leona Waller from Ignite Your Inner Flame Retreat, 2020.

If you found this to be potent and powerful for you, I encourage you to join my Patreon. I host workshops where we dance and move with intentions such as these, do rituals like this together, and I offer behind the scenes peeks & exclusive videos like the one above. Join monthly with no obligation to stay, or receive an 11% discount to join for the whole year.

let’s flow, release, and rewild.

you’re magic.



gaea lady

Gaea is a creatrix, a pussy magic priestess, a seeker of alchemical change. Through living artfully, she expands how we all authentically show up in our confidence and empowered presence.

Shine Your Light


The Essence of Fire