Silk Veil Masterclass #5 : Wrist Micromovements for Expansion

Sale Price:$22.00 Original Price:$22.00

Immerse in silk masterclasses focusing on weighted veil technique ONLINE so you can tune in no matter where you are. These Innovative Classes have never been done before with weighted silk veils, highlighting Gaea Lady’s techniques. Explore technique, philosophy, approach, improvisation, & choreography to expand your knowledge of this unique art form.

Silk Veil Masterclass #5 : Wrist Micromovements for Expansion

Flowing with silk reminds us of the importance of flowing with what we have - embracing what makes us different from others. Our unique bodies have specific needs and limitations, and to be able to move past our edges and grow, we must nourish and respect the needs and limits of the bodies we have. Our wrists ask for special attention, as they are delicate structures that do so much for us throughout the day. Pay close attention to the limits and edges of your unique wrist mobility.

What you can look forward to:

  • A warmup with lots of love and attention to wrists and shoulders

  • Floortime for making beautiful shapes with your hands

  • Luxurious self hand massage time

  • Breakdowns of hand holds and wrist micromovements for getting the silk ask close to your body as possible

  • Use the wrist to direct the veil’s weight to make it big

  • Weaves, paddles, advanced weaves and paddles, bounces, zoomie techniques, and a flutter detangling technique

  • A cool down with gentle stretches focused on giving love and gratitude to those wrists

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Immerse in silk masterclasses focusing on weighted veil technique ONLINE so you can tune in no matter where you are. These Innovative Classes have never been done before with weighted silk veils, highlighting Gaea Lady’s techniques. Explore technique, philosophy, approach, improvisation, & choreography to expand your knowledge of this unique art form.

Silk Veil Masterclass #5 : Wrist Micromovements for Expansion

Flowing with silk reminds us of the importance of flowing with what we have - embracing what makes us different from others. Our unique bodies have specific needs and limitations, and to be able to move past our edges and grow, we must nourish and respect the needs and limits of the bodies we have. Our wrists ask for special attention, as they are delicate structures that do so much for us throughout the day. Pay close attention to the limits and edges of your unique wrist mobility.

What you can look forward to:

  • A warmup with lots of love and attention to wrists and shoulders

  • Floortime for making beautiful shapes with your hands

  • Luxurious self hand massage time

  • Breakdowns of hand holds and wrist micromovements for getting the silk ask close to your body as possible

  • Use the wrist to direct the veil’s weight to make it big

  • Weaves, paddles, advanced weaves and paddles, bounces, zoomie techniques, and a flutter detangling technique

  • A cool down with gentle stretches focused on giving love and gratitude to those wrists

Immerse in silk masterclasses focusing on weighted veil technique ONLINE so you can tune in no matter where you are. These Innovative Classes have never been done before with weighted silk veils, highlighting Gaea Lady’s techniques. Explore technique, philosophy, approach, improvisation, & choreography to expand your knowledge of this unique art form.

Silk Veil Masterclass #5 : Wrist Micromovements for Expansion

Flowing with silk reminds us of the importance of flowing with what we have - embracing what makes us different from others. Our unique bodies have specific needs and limitations, and to be able to move past our edges and grow, we must nourish and respect the needs and limits of the bodies we have. Our wrists ask for special attention, as they are delicate structures that do so much for us throughout the day. Pay close attention to the limits and edges of your unique wrist mobility.

What you can look forward to:

  • A warmup with lots of love and attention to wrists and shoulders

  • Floortime for making beautiful shapes with your hands

  • Luxurious self hand massage time

  • Breakdowns of hand holds and wrist micromovements for getting the silk ask close to your body as possible

  • Use the wrist to direct the veil’s weight to make it big

  • Weaves, paddles, advanced weaves and paddles, bounces, zoomie techniques, and a flutter detangling technique

  • A cool down with gentle stretches focused on giving love and gratitude to those wrists

LEVEL 2.3: Barrel Rolls and Laying | Silk Veil Instructional Videos
Level 1 - Weighted Silk Veil Video Tutorials with Gaea
LEVEL 2.4 : Hand Passes and Darts | Silk Veil Instructional Videos
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Intermediate Pt 2 Weighted Silk Veil Masterclasses: #4-6