LIVE: Sat 4/8 9:15-10:15a - online or in the Eco Studio
Magic 11 Tier + up
Devotion. When we are devoted to having a conversation with our bodies frequently, checking in, opening channels, strengthening & lengthening, our body performs better in this life. We FEEL better.
This class we open our lower backs, hips, and upper legs while inviting in gentle passive & active twists, lunges, bends, and curious wiggles. We strengthen the core using our body weight and activating alignment while we stretch.
Devote yourself to 60 minutes, and train to listen to body & mind, opening to whatever may be.
Be present, & practice loving your body’s uniquenesses in all forms.
60 min class
All bodies, all levels, all abilities. I will provide various levels to stretch into.
Bring to class:
A mat or squishy fabric
Wear clothes that make you feel GREAT and that you can move and sweat in.
An open mind