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Silk Weighted Veil All-level Class (Zoom)

  • gaea lady Chicago, IL (map)

LIVE Sat 5/16 7:30p-8:30p 

Access the replay here and here

Let’s connect!  This is a series of 3 interactive classes where YOU get to come and sculpt what we do in class!  Bring your questions or ideas to guide class - this is perfect if you want more clarification on a specific move, how to use your type of veil or panel skirt, or… the sky’s the limit!  If you don’t have anything specific- show up and we’ll learn + flow together.

gaea lady (she/lady) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Silk Weighted Veils: “Tech & Flow” Open Level Classes

Time:   May 20, 2023 01:30 PM  Central Time (US and Canada) 

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Meeting ID: 816 0944 4834

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Meeting ID: 816 0944 4834

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